This is the job description
danazol steroid This new twist to the program has Santa flying with a pair of military jets as his wingmen, ostensibly to protect him as he crosses restricted airspace during the course of his deliveries. It also has some wondering about the impact of militarizing Christmas in children???s eyes by adding weapons into the mix. One such is child psychologist Allen Kanner who has said, ???Children associate Santa with gifts and fun and everything else that is positive about Christmas. They are associating this with the military in children???s minds. It is completely out of line.??? It is hardly a secret what the military???s true mission is. Recruitment. They have to start reaching children to tap into future resources to fill the ranks. Indeed, the military has been using marketing consultants for years, as well as tailoring ad campaigns to reach a younger audience???a video game audience. A recent Marine commercial depicted an invasion and asked the question, ???Which way would you run????